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Global Hard & Core Technology Conference Hold in NW China

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Global Hard & Core Technology Conference Hold in NW China
Click number:- Release time:2017-11-14

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The 2017 Global Hard & Core Technology Innovation Conference will be held on 7-8 November in Xi’an, by the Xi’an municipal government.

The conference themed “Hard & Core Technology Changes the World • Hard & Core Technology Changes Xi’an” aims at breaking current fixed patterns and freely exchange innovative ideas and technologies. It comprises closed seminar, main stage, opening remarks, industrialization side-stages, and innovation exhibition, to inspire and encourage communications on innovation from industrialization to capital.

The upcoming events will enable hard & core technology to support the “One Belt One Road Initiative” on completing polices, establishing platforms, and providing evidence. They will enhance international technology collaboration and talent communication, with promoting hard & core technology to meet social economy development, based on the demand of innovation driving development in Shaanxi. Now, the global hard & core representatives from the US, Germany, Japan, Israel, and countries “along the belt” are preparing to participate; meanwhile, local famous investors and the corporate seniors from innovation giants such as Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu, as well as Huawei, Foxconn, Haier, GREE, S.F. Express, Jingdong, XAGY, and Xiaomi, are confirming their attendance.

As informed, the conference will also launch “China Hard & Core Technology Think Tank”, which consists of the 50 best hard & core technology talents for gathering new concepts, knowledge, and technologies. Meanwhile, Hard & Core Technology Index and White Paper on Hard & Core Technology will also be published during the conference. Top 30 Chinese Investment Institutions in Hard & Core Technology, Top 100 Chinese Star Enterprises of Hard & Core Technology , and Chinese Cities Ranking of Hard & Core Technology Index will be announced as well.